2009년 11월 27일 금요일

Chinese globalization from Africa.


(Exports of fuels and mining products of regions by destination, 2008, WTO

According to the WTO, Exports of fuels and mining products from Africa to Asia is increasing. The major contributor is China.
Comparing with 2000, Europe's share decreased and the share of USA increased a little in 2008.
It reflects the transition of power in africa.

There are series of Chinese works to embrace Afica as a resource supplier.

As an Asian volunteer in Africa, I usually hear "Ni-Ha" even in the rural area.
Most of African capitals have Chinese markets and restaurants.

Dubai-world is an important investor to Africa.
According to the news, they seek debt moratorium.
It could be a good news to China.

2009년 11월 26일 목요일

Coffee and Tourism in Rwanda(KOREAN)

What kind of internet service can increase the Rwandan tourism/coffee-export income?
Do you have a good idea?

from KBS 2TV(korea broadcasting company), "every morning of the world"

2009년 11월 24일 화요일


TELECENTER is a internet cafe which is managed by the goverment.
Most of undeveloped country is doing this project.
But unlike private internet cafe, the goverment want to use centeralized managing system especially for the fiscal data.
This software is similar to previous internet cafe managing softwares but I added one more software which can generate realtime fiscal report
Any undeveloped country can request this software for free.
If you need it, contact rwandahm@gmail.com (please write your organization name, contact number) 이미지 추가