얼마전 "르완다 디지털컨텐츠 전략안"이라는 미국측 원조단체에서 작성된 듯한 문서에 코멘트를 부탁받았다. 문서를 읽고 고민하다가 한국에서 성공을 거두고 있는 오픈마켓과 같은 오픈 컨텐츠 플랫폼 아이디어가 이 전략안의 구체적인 실행 아이디어로 들어갈 경우 다소 추상적인 접근을 하고 있는 이 문서가 좀더 실용적일 수 있겠다는 생각이 들었다. 그래서 다음 원문과 같이 "국가차원의 오픈컨텐츠플랫폼을 제공안"이라는 항목을 이 문서에 추가할 것을 코멘트하였다.
좀더 제안배경과 논지에 대해 풀어보자면...
초안에 나타난 르완다의 디지털컨텐츠 육성에 대한 궁극적인 목적은 "농업기반 경제에서 지식기반 경제로 발전하는데 기여하는 것" 이었다.
나는 현재 르완다 IT 인프라에 투입된 방대한 매몰비용(국가 광케이블망 사업비, WIBRO 서비스 사업비등)이 경제발전 기여도를 높이는데 빠른 시간내에 쓰이는 것이 굉장히 중요하며 이를 위해 문서에서 다루는 "점진적이고 장기적인 컨텐츠제작 가이드라인식의 접근"과 병행해 "국가전략산업분야의 비즈니스 컨텐츠를 활성화 시키기 위한 중,단기적인 접근방식"또한 필요하다고 생각했다.
(르완다 정부가 컨설팅을 받아 만드는 대부분의 전략관련 문서에는 전략은 있는데 이를 성공으로 이끌 실행가능한 전술이 너무 부족하다. 아마도 외국에 거주하거나 잠시 단기프로젝트로 방문한 컨설턴트들이 로컬사정에 대해 잘 모르는 상태에서 짧은 시간안에 작성해야 했기 때문에 그런것 같다.)
이를 위해 구체적으로
1. 디지털컨텐츠로 산업발전이 일어날 수 있는 전략산업분야의 선정과
2. 전략 산업내에서 컨텐츠 생산과 유통이 활발할 수 있도록 정부주도의 컨텐츠플랫폼 제공이
필요하다고 제안하였다.
제안한 구체적인 컨텐츠 플랫폼들의 예시는 아래 원문참조.
제안된 전략실행안 원문
4.4 Strategic Action 4 : Providing Open Contents Platforms for Strategic Industries
4.4.1 Open Contents Platform
“Everyone can create the contents via Open Contents Platform”
The Open Contents Platform is a set of contents development and contents delivery tool for the specialized contents. It’s specialized for some selected contents and it’s very easy to use. Globally, the best example of Open Contents Platform is E-BAY, which is a famous e-commerce website. E-BAY provides easy-tool for the sellers(Contents Providers) so that any sellers in the world can generate their online product brochures easily. E-BAY also provides a easy tool to the customers(Contents Consumers) for their searching job. As a result, E-BAY dramatically increased the production and the consumption of these contents.
In Rwanda, we can expect that the open contents platform do a key role to achieve the goal of the “knowledge based economy”.
It’s not a business itself. it’s a kind of the business infrastructure which can enable various online businesses. We expect these platforms play an important role to get a return of already invested ICT infrastructure.
4.4.2 Strategic Industries
Open Contents Platform is a very specialized tool for certain contents. So selecting strategic industries and designing meaningful e-contents for those industries are very important.
To decide strategic industries, considering the following criteria is recommended.
Criterion 1. The Industry which provides a meaningful economic impact to the rural area
Criterion 2. The Industry which can be supported by e-Contents
Considering these criteria and Rwandan economy, Coffee, Agaseke & Textile and Tourism industry are recommended as “strategic industries”.
For the coffee, there are many coffee cooperatives in the rural area. They are willing to export it with their distinct taste information so that they can get a higher price.
The Agaseke and Textile industry are providing many job opportunities from rural area especially for women. The GDP contribution rate of this industry is not very high but in terms of the rural household economy, it’s one of the very important industries in Rwanda.
Rwandan tourism industry, now, want to diversify their destinations. (It’s currently focused on the Gorilla Trekking). To diversify destinations, high-quality contents of various destinations are very important. For several districts which have many tourism resources, it’s a good timing to develop their own e-contents in cooperation with the local Telecenter. Rwandan economy highly depends on tourism also.
4.4.3 Illustration of Expected Contents Platforms
For the Open Coffee Contents Platform, the coffee taste information and growing-environment information of each cooperative can be good e-contents. These contents can be provided by cooperatives. Local exporters and foreign importers will get these contents via the platform. Due to the contents, the revenue of coffee industry will increase and the receipts of rural farmers can increase also.
Fig 7: sample service page of “Open Coffee Contents Platform”
Product brochures can be a good contents for Agaseke and Textile industry. Using Open Agaseke & Textile Contents Platform, every rural cooperatives and artists can create their own product brochures quickly and easily from every Telecenter. Local traders, domestic exporters, foreign buyers will consume these contents. These contents will infect the rural household economy directly.
Fig 8: sample service page of “Open Agaseke & Textile Contents Platform”
Open Tourism Contents Platform deals the information of Rwandan destinations and the local business directory as its contents. District officials and businessmen in the tourism industry (i.e. restaurant owners, accommodation owners, drivers, tour operators, etc.) can contribute the contents creation to attract tourists who want to visit their region. These contents will increase the number of their visitor and total revenue of related businesses.
Fig 9: sample service page of “Open Tourism Contents Platform”