2009년 12월 15일 화요일

Goverment-SoftwareCompany-Hotel joint Project, National Reservation System(1.Hotel Managing Software)

This presentation file is for private sector software company.
It contains the market research data and concepts of the software which they will implement as a member of the consortium.

2009년 12월 12일 토요일

Concept Paper for RDB Enterprise Portal

I made it for RDB executives to introduce the value of RDB enterprise portal and the roadmap to the goal system.

Rwanda Tourism Design Template (Semi-Final)

We hope this new web site can encourage visiting to Rwanda.
Next year you can see this via http://www.rwandatourism.com
As a project leader, the most difficult thing was collaborations with bureaucratic officiers .
I think undeveloped countries need to consider an aggresive adoption of the incentive system for some areas in which developed countries already have good and concrete models.

(Main , Design by Joon W00 Kim)

2009년 12월 1일 화요일

Rwanda tourism Website

I and Joonwoo are trying to re-design the rwanda tourism website with some interns(students).
There are 3 main pages which are developed by considering different issues.

"What is the best to increase the Rwandan tourism revenue?"

Points to be considered.
1. Target User
a. young people (20-40)
b. old people

2. Goal of Web Site
a. to attract new travelers (who didn't decide to visit Rwanda.)
b. to make travelers (who already decided to visit Rwanda) spend more money.
(design by Joon Woo Kim, Joo Huem Baek)

(design by Joon Woo Kim)

(design by Joon Woo Kim)

Target User: Now, most of Gorilla permits are being sold via partner's web sites or offline offices. Most of them are old and they usually don't get the tourism information via online. (They usually just call to a tour operator.) Therefore, as our target customer, I would like to recommend young people (20-40) who are familiar with the internet.

Goal of Web Site : Like other tourism websites, our website is an one-time-visit site, so the goal, "to attract new travelers who didn't decide to visit Rwanda" is recommendable. However, considering the limit of gorilla permits, "to make travelers spend more money" shouldn't be ignored.

2009년 11월 27일 금요일

Chinese globalization from Africa.


(Exports of fuels and mining products of regions by destination, 2008, WTO

According to the WTO, Exports of fuels and mining products from Africa to Asia is increasing. The major contributor is China.
Comparing with 2000, Europe's share decreased and the share of USA increased a little in 2008.
It reflects the transition of power in africa.

There are series of Chinese works to embrace Afica as a resource supplier.

As an Asian volunteer in Africa, I usually hear "Ni-Ha" even in the rural area.
Most of African capitals have Chinese markets and restaurants.

Dubai-world is an important investor to Africa.
According to the news, they seek debt moratorium.
It could be a good news to China.

2009년 11월 26일 목요일

Coffee and Tourism in Rwanda(KOREAN)

What kind of internet service can increase the Rwandan tourism/coffee-export income?
Do you have a good idea?

from KBS 2TV(korea broadcasting company), "every morning of the world"

2009년 11월 24일 화요일


TELECENTER is a internet cafe which is managed by the goverment.
Most of undeveloped country is doing this project.
But unlike private internet cafe, the goverment want to use centeralized managing system especially for the fiscal data.
This software is similar to previous internet cafe managing softwares but I added one more software which can generate realtime fiscal report
Any undeveloped country can request this software for free.
If you need it, contact rwandahm@gmail.com (please write your organization name, contact number) 이미지 추가

2009년 10월 26일 월요일

My JOB in Rwanda (as a ICT volunteer)

“The fiber network can not generate economic values by itself. To generate economic values using it, we should find out suitable and feasible e-Business services.”

Rwanda is an economically poor and landlocked country. Rwanda also has no expensive nature resources unlike other African countries. In this situation, the President of Rwanda strategically decided to invest on the fiber network to develop internet based knowledge economy.
The fiber network can not generate economic values by itself. To generate economic values using it, we should find out suitable and feasible e-Business services to boost existing businesses.

Goal of Work
“What kind of e-business and software can boost the existing business?”
1.to find out suitable and feasible e-Business services
2.to train developers and market researchers
3.to develop it with them
4.to export it to East-African countries

Work Area
“Economically Important and East-Africa-Exportable Business Area”

It’s the one of major GDP contributor. In 2009, Rwanda tourism has met a growth barrier, because of the “End of Gorilla Effect” and “World Financial Crisis”. To break through this barrier, some strategies including e-tourism have been recommended by the consulting company (OTF).

2.Coffee and Agriculture
The coffee and agriculture business are also major GDP contributor. Recently, Rwandan specialty coffee has been famous because of various efforts, but to increase the coffee price, special e-business systems are needed.

3.Foreign Investment & Real Estate
Like every undeveloped countries, Rwanda highly depend on foreign investment. Using e-business systems, we can improve the mobilizing abilities.

4.Handcraft / Textile
The Rwandan handcraft or textile business is not a main contributor of the GDP, but these businesses are main contributor of the job creation, especially for women. E-business systems can promote sales.

5.Software for East African Countries
In spite of technically very weak competitive power, if we can develop specialized software for East-African countries, we can export it.